《Campaign亚太》举办的2010年Agency of the Year奖日前揭晓提名名单和部分个人奖项获得者,颁奖典礼将于12月14日在新加坡瑞吉酒店举行。
Agency of the Year奖旨在庆祝广告业的成就,记录和肯定创意、媒体和一对一广告公司以及专业人才每年所取得的进步。今年是这项活动第17年举行。
以下是Agency of the Year奖大中华区媒体、创意、互动和行业类的提名名单。
Creative Agency of the Year:
DDB China Group Shanghai
Leo Burnett and Arc Hong Kong
McCann Worldgroup Hong Kong
Media Agency of the Year:
Mindshare Hong Kong
PHD Hong Kong
PHD Shanghai
Digital Agency of the Year:
Tribal DDB Hong Kong
Tribal DDB Shanghai
wwwins Isobar Shanghai
Specialist Agency of the Year:
iProspect Hong Kong
McCann Healthcare Worldwide Shanghai
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Shanghai
Account Person of the Year:
Anthony Wong, Ogilvy & Mather China 黄淳富 奥美中国
Creative of the Year:
Michael Dee, DDB China Group 狄运昌 恒美中国
Agency Head of the Year:
Shenan Chuang, Ogilvy & Mather China 庄淑芬 奥美中国
Media Planner / Buyer of the Year:
Anna Chitty, PHD Shanghai